NaNoWriMo Prep for Success
I have a bit of a tumultuous relationship with NaNoWriMo.
I actually just Googled “tumultuous relationship” to make sure that yes, this was a good way to describe my NaNo experiences.
Here’s what Google said:
… a relationship that is characterized by disorderly commotion; mental or emotional agitation.
Ah, yes. That describes it perfectly.
I’ve won some and lost one. I did Camp NaNoWriMo in July to help me get fingers to keys for the final book in the Santolsa Saga. I was aiming for 50k and I reached 38,480. I changed my goal in the last few days so I still technically “won”, but I didn’t reach my goal.
The good thing about being both a winner and a loser is it’s pretty easy to see where you went right and where you went wrong.
OK, enough blabbering on from me. Let’s get into the tips for success!
Actual gif of you winning NaNoWriMo!
1. Work out what you want to write
Although I am a big fan of the half way change to a different project, I have had way more success picking one project and sticking with it.
Don’t forget that your project can be literally anything. This year my project is editing the absolute s***-show of my first draft of the third book in the Santolsa Saga - Janet’s story.
Tip - choose a project that really excites you!
2. Plotting
Are you a plotter or a pantser? I am a little of both, mostly pantser, OK, almost totally pantser. But having a basic plot in mind can be really helpful.
For example when I wrote (and won!) NaNo with Summer of 1984 I knew the basics. I knew who was going back in time. I knew who they would meet. I knew the struggles they would have. I didn’t know much more than that until I was writing, but it was a basic outline to work with.
If you’re writing from blank page, at least know the basic premise of your story and the main plot points. Hey, even if they end up changing completely as you write, starting with something is always better than starting with nothing imho.
Tip - start with your main character, their main desire and their challenges to overcome.
3. Time Management
Working out when you are going to write is everything. If you don’t make time, you won’t get time.
So, when are you going to write?
Tip - actually schedule in your writing time. Put it in your calendar like you would for work or a meeting and make it non-negotiable.
4. Self-Care
Do some prep for your own self-care.
Make plans for the following:
What will you do if you get stuck?
What will you do if you freak out and hate your story?
What will you do if life gets in the way and you have to take a step back?
What will you do if you need to prioritise your own mental health?
Give yourself permission at the outset to put your own self-care first. Yes, it’s great to write a novel in a month. But it’s also great to write a novel in two months, or three months.
It took me ten years to write Class of 1983.
Tip - always put your own mental health and wellbeing first.
5. Playlists
I am a big fan of the playlist. I have a playlist for each of the books I have written so far and a bunch of playlists for projects that are kind of floating around in my head.
I love listening to music when I write, but I also like to listen to my writing playlists while I’m taking long walks - it really helps me come up with ideas!
Tip - make playlists for your characters, what would they listen to?
6. Have Fun!
Ha, had to add that corny one at the end there. :P Because if it’s not fun, why are you doing it?
Let us know in the comments below what you do to prep for NaNoWriMo! :D
Love and luck,