Book news and updates!
Hey there book lover!
If you’ve already read Class of 1983 and you’ve been hanging out for the sequel you’re gonna be excited about this post!
So this week I finally finished the first “readable” draft of the sequel.
I actually wrote the first rough draft during NaNoWriMo last year but it was a total mess, and even though I had pretty much the whole book written that whole time I was still unsure of how exactly it needed to end.
I only wrote the final scene a couple of days ago and I gotta tell you it made me just wanna get on and write book three!
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, gotta get the sequel in your hands first!
So where are we at and how long will it be until you can find out what happens to Jack?
Can I just pause for a second and say how much I love Jack? It was such a dream to write a whole book about him!
I digress!
So I’ve just sent that first readable draft off to my husband who is my #1 beta reader. He doesn’t read any novels but mine but he’s watched enough 80’s and time travel movies with me over the years to know what’s up with plot holes, likeable/unlikable characters and generally good stories.
I’m sure he’ll find some things that need fixing. Writing time travel is HARD. It’s like you have to think 4th dimensionally the whole time!
So then what happens? Well, once I’ve worked through any edits from his feedback I’ll be sending it out to my crew of beta readers and then fingers crossed the book will be in your hands before the end of the year!
Excited much?! I know I am. I’m so excited to share with you what happens to Jack and Peggy and the rest of the Santolsa gang!
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